Litera Capital is a private, middle market investment firm that invests in the debt and equity of public and private companies and other asset classes.
We are fundamentally value-oriented growth investors. Our purpose is to generate superior absolute risk-adjusted returns over the long-term, while serving and advancing the greater good.

Litera is a Latin word with many meanings:


but at its root, litera means “letters,” the irreducible core of language and the fundamental building blocks for communication.
At Litera Capital, we are grounded in market and economic fundamentals and our investment strategy can be reduced to two letters:
A focus on finding alpha (α) by applying our definition of delta (Δ) to the due diligence process.

We are agnostic to company stage and industry. Instead, we believe in bright ideas and the best people to bring those ideas to life.

Our core asset is our reputation.
We are forthright to a fault and expect the same in return.
We are equally driven by curiosity and compassion and always conduct ourselves with integrity.
We do what we believe is right, even when it runs contrary to the consensus or conventional wisdom.
We are never satisfied with status quo.